Friday, January 16, 2009

First post: Mission statement and details

As any college student knows, it's virtually impossible to get a nice, healthy, home cooked meal during the school months. That's where I come in. I'm offering a weekly two to three course meal for $10.
Now I know what you may be thinking. "$10? That's way too much for one meal!" But let me put it in prospective. A Chipotle burrito is about $8, with a soda it's about $10, and has almost no nutritional value. $10 worth of McDonalds? Forget it, you don't even want to know what's in there; and $10 worth of Chinese food vs. a week of pimples and a sore stomach.
With my dinners, I will be offering filling, nutritious, mostly organic (when I can get it) courses that will make you and your tummy very happy.

Here's how this will work:
I will be making a post listing all of the dinners for the coming month. I will be accepting 6 diners per session. If you want to sign up for a particular session, post a comment saying so and I will list you in one of the slots.

Details on payment and attendance:
Payment for each session will be due 4 days before each session (diner has to pay by the Wednesday before the session at the latest.) If the diner has NOT paid by that time, their spot will be filled by the next person in the wait list. In order to get payment to me, give me a call at (641) 919 0191. Also! I now have a lovely Paypal account where you can pay me right here:

Thank you all and hope to see you all soon!!

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